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Vitamin B12 is a essential vitamin that plays a vital role in various key functions of the body, primarily in maintaining the health of the nervous system. When levels of this vitamin are insufficient, commonly known as a deficiency, vitamin B12 injections are administered to address this condition. B12 aids the body in utilising fats and carbohydrates for energy production and facilitating protein synthesis. Furthermore, it plays a significant role within the blood, cells, and nerves.


Common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Severe fatigue

  • Reduced energy levels

  • Tingling sensations (paraesthesia)

  • Inflamed and red tongue

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Muscle weakness

  • Vision disturbances

  • Psychological issues like depression and confusion

  • Memory impairment, difficulty in comprehension, and judgment problems



Treatment Options

1 treatment

1 treatment as an add on to any other treatment

Wellbeing course of 4 treatments

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