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Lines & Wrinkles Aftercare Advice

What is normal after a procedure?
Injections can cause small amounts of swelling, a temporary bump, redness, bruising, a mild to moderate headache, & sensations such as tingling or mild itching after the treatments. These effects are so common they can be considered a normal part of the process.

The initial effects will show in the first 2-5 days. Peak effect on the muscle is at 14 days, but
the result will continue to improve for 4 weeks or more. The benefits start to wear off after 3-4 months on average.


How to protect your results & reduce side effects
* Avoid exposure to UV and extreme heat for 24 hours. For example: sauna, steam, sun beds, very hot showers, extreme sun exposure, strenuous exercise, alcohol, etc
* Avoid make up and touching your face for 24 hours.
* When cleansing, avoid pressure and use gentle strokes away from the eyes.
* Avoid extreme facial expressions for 24 hours.
* Avoid facial massages or electrical stimulation of the face for 2 weeks.
* Avoid wearing tight caps or garments in the area that has been injected.
* For any swelling or bruising, you can gently apply a cold pack.
* If you need to take analgesia avoid Aspirin and Ibuprofen for the first 24 hours. Paracetamol can be used as an alternative. 


Contact Isabel on 0118 211 9460 if you have any concerns.

Routine adjustments can be carried out from day 14 after your procedure.

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